L'édito de Philippe Bailly

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Parlement européen : Digital Services Act (DSA)

he fourth trilogue on the DSA took place on 31.03 in the Council premises. The EP Rapporteur, Christel Schaldemose (S&D), said: “Today we discussed several issues, including enforcement, dark patterns, online advertising, recommender systems and SMEs exemption. The EP mandate is clear: we want to protect people’s rights, support our democracy and ensure that all digital players act responsibly and safely. Even though the Council agree on these principles, we do not agree on all the solutions.

However, I am still confident that we will be able to have an agreement during the French Presidency. Every day we are getting closer to a deal – today was no exemption.”

The IMCO Chair Anna Cavazzini highlighted that in view of the successful outcome of the negotiations on the DMA, it’s important to continue the work on democratic rules ensuring greater reliability and trust in digital services as well.

Feedback from the Rapporteur, Ms Christel Schaldemose on the first trilogue (IMCO meeting), second (IMCO meeting) and on the third trilogue (IMCO meeting).

Le communiqué est à retrouver ici.

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